Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 37 Number 6 1984
PH840593Electron Transport and Rate Coefficients in Townsend Discharges
HA Blevin and J Fletcher
pp. 593-600
PH840615Dispersion in a Relativistic Quantum Electron Gas. I. General Distribution Functions
Leith M Hayes and DB Melrose
pp. 615-638
PH840639Dispersion in a Relativistic Quantum Electron Gas. II. Thermal Distributions
DB Melrose and Leith M Hayes
pp. 639-650
PH840657An Improved Technique for Examining Bragg Reflections in Dw, D2q(s) Space
A McL Mathieson and AW Stevenson
pp. 657-666
PH840667Molecular Dynamics of the Phase Transition in Compressible Ammonium Chloride
Sadhana Pandey and SK Trikha
pp. 667-674
PH840675Gyromagnetic Emission and Absorption: Approximate Formulas of Wide Validity
PA Robinson and DB Melrose
pp. 675-704
PH840709Corrigendum: Atomic X-ray Transition Probabilities: A Comparison of the Dipole Length, Velocity and Acceleration Forms
HM Quiney and FP Larkins
pp. 709-709
PH840709aCorrigendum: Absolute Cross Sections of Proton Induced Reactions on 65Cu, 64Ni and 63Cu
ME Sevior, LW Mitchell, MR Anderson, CIW Tingwell and DG Sargood
pp. 709-710