Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 35 Number 3 1982
PH820235Effective Weak Non-Ieptonic Hamiltonians for Flavour Changing Processes
Robert DC Miller and Bruce HJ McKellar
pp. 235-266
PH820267Resonance Neutron Capture in 86,87Sr
GC Hicks, BJ Allen, AR de L Musgrove and RL Macklin
pp. 267-282
PH820283The Giant Dipole Resonance Effect in Coulomb Excitation of 10B
WJ Vermeer, TH Zabel, MT Esat, JA Kuehner, RH Spear and AM Baxter
pp. 283-290
PH820307Thermodynamic Studies and Magnetic Ordering of Ni-Cr Alloys Close to the Critical Composition
MA Simpson and TF Smith
pp. 307-320
PH820351Corrigendum: Excitation of the 9ยท50 MeV (9/2+) State of 13C in Intermediate Energy Scattering Experiments
L Rikus, SF Collins, KA Amos, BM Spicer, GG Shute, I Morrison, VC Officer, R Smith, DW Devins, DL Friesel and WP Jones
pp. 351-352