Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 35 Number 2 1982
PH820133The Orbit-Lattice Interaction for Lanthanide Ions. III. Superposition Model Analysis for Arbitrary Symmetry
SC Chen and DJ Newman
pp. 133-146
PH820155Doppler Shift of Radio Signals Transmitted between Orbiting Satellites
PL Dyson and JA Bennett
pp. 155-164
PH820177The Parkes 2700 MHz Survey: A Resurvey of the ± 4° Declination Zone
Alan E Wright, David L Jauncey, JG Bolton and Ann Savage
pp. 177-206
PH820207New Optical Identifications from the Parkes 2700 MHz Resurvey of the ± 4° Declination Zone
Ann Savage, JG Bolton and Jenny Trett
pp. 207-220