Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 34 Number 5 1981
K Amos, I Morrison, R Smith and KW Schmid
pp. 493-504
PH810511Quantitative Piezospectroscopy of the 1s and 2p States of Arsenic Impurity in Germanium
AD Martin, P Fisher and PE Simmonds
pp. 511-528
PH810539The Effects of Broadening on the High Temperature Critical Susceptibility Exponent g
TJ McKenna, GVH Wilson, SJ Campbell, DH Chaplin and GHJ Wantenaar
pp. 539-550
PH810551High-field Polynomial Expansions for the Six-state Planar Potts Model
Michael N Barber and IG Enting
pp. 551-562
PH810575Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Using Optical Heterodyne Detection
Guy C Fletcher and Julienne I Harnett
pp. 575-584
PH810591A Southern Hemisphere Search for a Nonrandom Component in Cosmic Rays
RW Clay and BR Dawson
pp. 591-594
PH810609Corrigendum: Static Quadrupole Moment of the First Excited State of 28Si
RH Spear and MP Fewell
pp. 609-610