Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 34 Number 2 1981
PH810125Elastic Scattering of 152Eu ? Rays by Tungsten
RB Taylor, P Teansomprasong and IB Whittingham
pp. 125-134
PH810135Analytic Approximations for Integrated Electron?Atom Excitations
IE McCarthy, BC Saha and AT Stelbovics
pp. 135-146
PH810155Electron Vacancy Production in Near-symmetric Collisions of 100 MeV Copper Ions
HJ Hay, LF Pender and PB Treacy
pp. 155-162
PH810163Compton Scattering of 279.1 and 661.6 keV Photons by K-shell Electrons
IB Whittingham
pp. 163-184
PH810207Theory of Coaxial Wave Guides with Dielectric and Magnetic Discontinuities
HE Wilhelm, JB DuBow and P Singh
pp. 207-222