Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 32 Number 4 1979
JF Lindsey, HS Perlman and GJ Troup
pp. 295-306
PH790307Dynamic Deformation Theory and Multiphonon Vibrational Bands in 154Gd
K Kumar, JB Gupta and JH Hamilton
pp. 307-322
PH790323The 12C(p,2p)11B Reaction at 100 MeV
DW Devins, DL Friesel, WP Jones, AC Attard, ID Svalbe, VC Officer, RS Henderson, BM Spicer and GG Shute
pp. 323-334
PH790335Cross Section Measurements in the 54Cr(p, ?)55Mn Reaction
R. J. Wilkinson, A S. R. Kennett, A Z. E. Switkowski and D. G. SargoodA and F. M. MannC
pp. 335-342
PH790343Use of Nuclear Techniques in the Characterization of Chrome Black Solar Absorber Surfaces
ZE Switkowski, JCP Heggie, GJ Clark and RJ Petty
pp. 343-360
PH790369Sea Level Muon Spectrum and Muon Charge Ratio derived from CERN Results for Nucleon?Nucleus Inelastic Interactions
DP Bhattacharyya and RK Roychoudhury
pp. 369-374
PH790375A Balloon Investigation of Galactic ?-ray Lines with a High Resolution Ge(Li) Spectrometer
M Yoshimori, H Watanabe, K Okudaira, Y Hirasima and H Murakami
pp. 375-382
PH7904114? Particle?Hole States in 16O
RS Henderson, BM Spicer, ID Svalbe, VC Officer, GG Shute, DW Devins, DL Friesel, WP Jones and AC Attard
pp. 411-414
PH790415The Parkes 2700 MHz Survey (Fourteenth Part): Catalogue for Declinations ?4° to ?15°, Right Ascensions 10h to 15h
JG Bolton, Alan E Wright and Ann Savage
pp. 415-416
PH790415bThe HI Column Density as a Function of Position in the Southern Sky
C Heiles and MN Cleary
pp. 415-416
PH790415cA Catalogue of 5 GHz Galactic Plane Sources
RF Haynes, JL Caswell and LWJ Simons
pp. 415-416