Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 32 Number 3 1979
PH Butler, RW Haase and BG Wybourne
pp. 137-154
PH790195Gamma-ray Studies using a Solid Argon Target: Properties of States in 40K and 40Ar
DJ Beale, AR Poletti and JR Southon
pp. 195-212
PH790213Resonance Neutron Capture in 138Ba and 140Ce and the Prompt Neutron Correction to ?-ray Detectors
AR de L Musgrove, BJ Alien and RL Macklin
pp. 213-222
PH790223Quantum Theory of Energy Loss by Test Ions to Plasma Electrons
EP George, K Okamoto, Y Nakamura and T Hamada
pp. 223-230
PH790283Widths of the 14·32 and 14·40 MeV Levels in 160
PD Clark, A Johnston and TR Ophel
pp. 283-286
PH790289The Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of a One-dimensional Self-gravitational System
Y Fukui and T Morita
pp. 289-292