Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 32 Numbers 1 & 2 1979
PH790025Energy Spectra and Pulse Shapes of Pulsars at Metre Wavelengths
VA Izvekova, AD Kuzmin, VM Molofeev and Yu P Shitov
pp. 25-34
PH790071Laboratory Modelling of Neutron Star Magnetospheres
BG Eremin, VV Zheleznyakov, AV Kostrov, Ya Z. Slutsker and EV Suvorov
pp. 71-78
PH790079Galactic Supernova Remnants: Radio Evolution and Population Characteristics
JL Caswell and I Lerche
pp. 79-82
PH790093Secular Decreases in the 927 MHz Emission from the Supernova Remnants Cas A and Tau A
EN Vinyajkin and VA Razin
pp. 93-94