Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 49 Number 6 1996
M Agop, C Gh Buzea, V Griga, C Ciubotariu, C Buzea, C Stan and D Jatomir
pp. 1063-1074
PH961075De-excitation Gamma-ray Technique for Improved Resolution in Intermediate Energy Photonuclear Reactions
A Kuzin, R Rassool and MN Thompson
pp. 1075-1080
PH961095Incorporation of Threshold Phenomena in Three-body Coulomb Continuum Wavefunctions
Jamal Berakdar
pp. 1095-1108
PH961109Laser Assisted Electron–Alkali Atom Collisions
Vinod Prasad, Rinku Sharma and Man Mohan
pp. 1109-1120
PH961121Field Line Pitch and Local Magnetic Shear in Tokamaks
JLV Lewandowski and M Persson
pp. 1121-1134
PH961159Nonlinear Equation in (2+1) Dimensions for a Plasma with Negative Ions
K Roy Chowdhury and A Roy Chowdhuy
pp. 1159-1168
PH961181Positron Annihilation Study of Deformation in a Two-phase (α+β) Cu–Zn Alloy
CQ Tang and LH Yu
pp. 1181-1186