Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 48 Number 6 1995
PH950907Study of Squeezing Properties in a Two-level System
Rui-hua Xie, Gong-ou Xu and Dun-huan Liu
pp. 907-924
PH950925Anomalous Anisotropic Diffusion of Electron Swarms in AC Electric Fields
RD White, RE Robson and KF Ness
pp. 925-938
PH950939Reactive Plasma Species in the Modification of Wool Fibre
XJ Dai, SM Hamberger and RA Bean
pp. 939-952
PH950953An Overview of Recycling in Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors
David E McClelland
pp. 953-970
PH950971Interferometers with Internal and External Phase Modulation: Experimental and Analytical Comparison
Andrew J Stevenson, Malcolm B Gray, Charles C Harb, David E McClelland and Hans-A Bachor
pp. 971-998
PH950999High Power Lasers and Novel Optics for Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors
PJ Veitch, J Munch, MW Hamilton, D Ottaway, A Greentree and A Tikhomirov
pp. 999-1006
PH951007The University of Western Australia?s Resonant-bar Gravitational Wave Experiment
ME Tobar, DG Blair, EN Ivanov, F van Kann, NP Linthorne, PJ Turner and IS Heng
pp. 1007-1026
PH951027Oscillating Apparent Horizons in Numerically Generated Spacetimes
Peter Anninos, David Bemstein, Steve Brandt, David Hobill, Ed Seidel and Larry Smarr
pp. 1027-1044