Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 48 Number 3 1995
PH950335Frequency Variation of the Mean Energy of rf Electron Swarms
RE Robson, K Maeda, T Makabe and RD White
pp. 335-346
PH950419Measurement of Electron Impact Ionisation and Attachment Coefficients in NO2/He Gas Mixtures and Estimated Electron Collision Cross Sections for NO2
Y Sakai, T Okumura and H Tagashira
pp. 419-426
PH950439Modeling and Measurement of Submicron Particles in RF Plasmas in Ar
Y Hosokauia, T Kitajima and T Makabe
pp. 439-452
PH950461Helicon Wave Measurements in an Inductively Coupled Magnetoplasma
Keiji Nakamura, Keiji Suzuki and Hideo Sugai
pp. 461-468
PH950469Analysis of the Coulomb-solidification Process in Particle Plasmas
K Tachibana and Y Hayashi
pp. 469-478
PH950479Electronic Energy Distribution Function at High Electron Swarm Energies in Neon
KL Brown and J Fletcher
pp. 479-490
PH950503Two- and Three-body Ion-Electron Recombination Rate Coefficients in Neon
RN Bhave and R Cooper
pp. 503-514
PH950515Dissociation Processes of SiCl4 and Plasma Parameters measured by Transient Spectroscopy at the Beginning of a SiCl4?Helium dc Discharge
Takeki Sakurai, Shigeru Kobayashi, Jun Ogura, Yukio Inoue and Hirokazu Hori
pp. 515-526
PH950527Measurement of Electrical Discharge Parameters Using Optical Fibres
V Everett, KT Jones, GB Scelsi and GA Woolsey
pp. 527-542
PH950543The Dielectric Barrier Discharge: A Bright Spark for Australia's Future
DS Neunnan and MJ Brennan
pp. 543-556