Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 46 Number 3 1993
PH930333Quantum Mechanics and Superconductivity in a Magnetic Field
AH MacDonald, Hiroshi Akera and MR Norman
pp. 333-344
PH930345Quantum Dots in Strong Magnetic Fields: Stability Criteria for the Maximum Density Droplet
AH MacDonald, SR Eric Yang and MD Johnson
pp. 345-358
PH930359Electronic Properties of Quasi-One-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures: Plasmons and Exchange-Correlation Effects in Quantum Wires
S Das Sarma and Ben Yu-Kuang Hu
pp. 359-380
PH930381Spontaneously Symmetry-broken Current-carrying States in Nanostructures
Mark Rasolt and F Perrot
pp. 381-390
PH930423Electron Liquid in Double-layer Structures
L Swierkowski, D Neilson and J Szymanski
pp. 423-434
PH930435Characterisation of III?V Multilayers Grown by Low-pressure Metal Organic Vapour-phase Epitaxy
C Jagadish, A Clark, G Li, CA Larson, N Hauser, M Petravic, TD Thompson, T Halstead and JS Williams
pp. 435-445