Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 45 Number 5 1992
PH920635pp Coulomb Phase Shift for Different Proton Charge Distributions
Mohamed A Hassan and Samia SA Hassan
pp. 635-642
PH920651Ab Initio Ro-Vibrational Structure of the C2? Isotopes of H2O+
F Wang and EI von Nagy-Felsobuki
pp. 651-670
PH920671The Ratio DT/µ for Electrons in a 0·5% Hydrogen?Krypton Mixture
MT Elford, MJ Brennan and KF Ness
pp. 671-682
PH920683Nonlinear Shifts of Refractive Indices from Obliquely Propagating Waves in a Magnetised Plasma in the Presence of Coriolis Rotation
PK Kashyapi, SN Paul and B Chakraborty
pp. 683-694