Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 45 Number 3 1992
PH920263Attachment of Electrons to Molecules at meV Resolution
D Klar, M-W Ruf and H Hotop
pp. 263-292
PH920317Dissociative Ionisation and Neutral Dissociation: CF4, a Case Study
RA Bonham and MR Bruce
pp. 317-324
PH920325Studies of Electron-Molecule Collisions on Distributed-memory Parallel Computers
Carl Winstead, Qiyan Sun, Paul G Hipes, Marco AP Lima and Vincent McKoy
pp. 325-336
PH920337Low-energy Electron Scattering from Polyatomic Molecules: The Role of Electron Correlation
C William McCurdy
pp. 337-350
PH920351Drift Velocity, Longitudinal and Transverse Diffusion in Hydrocarbons derived from Distributions of Single Electrons
Bernhard Schmidt and Michael Roncossek
pp. 351-364