Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 45 Number 1 1992
PH920039Structure of the Super Neutronised Doubly Closed Shell Nucleus 132Sn
Rupayan Bhattacharya
pp. 39-46
PH920075Charged Particle Transport in Gaseous Nitrogen at Intermediate E/N using the Voltage Transient Method
PH Purdie and J Fletcher
pp. 75-84
PH920085Atomic Arrangement of the Clean Si(110) 5x1 Surface Derived by Low Energy Scattering Spectroscopy
YG Shen, DJ O’Connor and RJ MacDonald
pp. 85-98
PH920115Power Spectral Analysis of Enhanced Scintillation of Quasar 3C459 Due to Comet Halley
P Janardhan, SK Alurkar, AD Bobra, OB Slee and D Waldron
pp. 115-126