Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 43 Number 6 1990
PH900765An Experimental Investigation of Electron Transport in E x B Discharges
MJ Brennan and AM Garvie
pp. 765-778
PH900779A Tomographic Investigation of Variations in the Excited State Populations of E x B Discharges
AM Garvie and MJ Brennan
pp. 779-792
PH900793X-ray Diffraction Investigation of Epitaxial Layers of CdTe on Sapphire
Andrew W Stevenson and Geoff N Pain
pp. 793-800
PH900801Radio Source Scintillations Through Comet Tails Revisited: Comet Wilson (1987)
OB Slee, AD Bobra, D Waldron and J Lim
pp. 801-812
PH900813aFabrication of Superconducting YBCO Thin Films on YSZ Substrates
A Bailey, C Alvarez, T Puzzer, DN Matthews, K Sealey, CJ Russell and KNR Taylor
pp. 813-814