Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 51 Number 1 1998
P97022Some Physical Implications of the Gravitoelectromagnetic Field in Fractal Space–Time Theory
M. Agop, V. Griga, C. Gh. Buzea, N. Rezlescu, C. Buzea, C. Marin and I. Petreus
pp. 9-19
P97023Structure of the World Crystal
M. Agop, V. Griga, C. Gh. Buzea, N. Rezlescu, C. Buzea, A. Zacharias and I. Petreus
pp. 21-33
P96122Glueball Spectrum of SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory by Plaquette Expansion
Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg and M. P. Wilson
pp. 35-45
P97041Ab Initio Investigations of the Electronic Structure of HeNH + and HeNH 2+
Jason M. Hughes, Ellak I. von and Nagy-Felsobuki
pp. 57-66
P96084Effects of Boundary and Electron Inertia on the Ion Acoustic Wave in a Plasma: A Pseudopotential Approach
K. K. Mondal, S. N. Paul and A. Roy Chowdhury
pp. 113-124
P97030Large Amplitude Alfvén Soliton in the Solar Wind and Painlevé Analysis
A. Roy Chowdhury, B. Buti and B. Dasgupta
pp. 125-130
P97012Luminosity Selection Effects and Linear Size Evolution in the Quasar/Galaxy Unification Scheme
A. A. Ubachukwu and J. N. Ogwo
pp. 143-151