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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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A Nuclear Orientation Study of Terbium Ethyl Sulphate

PJ Back, B Bleaney, GJ Bowden and NJ Stone

Australian Journal of Physics 47(4) 475 - 486
Published: 1994


Terbium ethyl suphate (TbES) has been studied by nuclear orientation using radioactive 160Tb. It is found that (i) it is difficult to cool the terbium nuclei below ~50 mK because of the long nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time TIN; (ii) application of small magnetic fields of the order 0·1 T produces a dramatic increase in the value of TIN; the long electronic relaxation time T1E makes it difficult to determine the Curie temperature Tc in such experiments; and (iv) the saturation magnetic moment is approximately 7·35I'B. No nuclear magnetic resonance transitions were detected when radio-frequency fields at frequencies from 190 to 920 MHz were applied, but a long series of resonance absorption peaks was observed with a frequency separation of 26·3(3) MHz. Their origin ascribed to magneto-acoustic modes within magnetic domains, rather than to magnetostatic modes, magnetic spin waves, or resonances within domain walls.

© CSIRO 1994

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