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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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A Bosonisation of QCD and Realisations of Chiral Symmetry

CD Roberts and RT Cahill

Australian Journal of Physics 40(4) 499 - 518
Published: 1987


We employ the functional integral formalism to study quantum chromodynamics (QCD) with Nf quarks of zero bare mass. In addition to local SU(Nc) colour symmetry, this theory possesses exact global G = UdNf)@UR(Nf) chiral symmetry. We obtain an exact bilocal Bose field representation of the generating functional which, as we prove after establishing the manner in which the bilocal fields transform under G, preserves the global chiral symmetry. We demonstrate how a local Bose field representation of the generating functional may be obtained from the bilocal bosonisation. This provides a direct link between QCD and low energy meson phenomenological models. We utilise the bilocal bosonisation in the study of the dynamical breakdown of the global chiral symmetry group G. We derive the vacuum field equation from the exact bilocal Bose field effective action and discuss two alternative solutions: one corresponding to a Wigner-Weyl realisation of the global symmetry group G in which the vacuum configuration is invariant under G; the other to a mixed realisation in which the vacuum manifold is the coset space G/H = U A(Nf ), where H = Uv(Nf ) is a subgroup of G.

© CSIRO 1987

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