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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Solar Photodetachment Rates of Monatomic Anions

EM Helmy and SB Woo

Australian Journal of Physics 38(2) 135 - 142
Published: 1985


The solar detachment rates of all stable atomic anions belonging to elements in the main body of the periodic table have been calculated. Multi-channel photodetachment effects owing to fine structure levels and temperature effects are included in the treatment. All told the solar detachment rates of 31 anions at 300 and 104 K are made available. The rates show strong correlation to the group number in the periodic table. The higher the group number of the element, the lower is its detachment rate. Caesium has the highest detachment rate of 82 s-1, while fluorine has the lowest rate of 0·069 S -1. The calculations shown here may be useful to researchers conducting experiments on ionospheric modification where negative ions which are not normally found in the atmosphere may appear in abundance.

© CSIRO 1985

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