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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Rotational Motion of the NH+4 Ion in Ammonium Chloride

Sadhana Pandey and SK Trikha

Australian Journal of Physics 37(2) 197 - 208
Published: 1984


The rotational motion of the ammonium ion in NH4CI at low temperature under the influence of its nearest neighbours has been studied using a computer simulation technique. The Lennard Jones potential is used as the representative interaction between NHt and CI-. Three values of the time increment At occurring in the algorithm equation are taken to illustrate the three-dimensional effect on the rotational dynamics of the NH: ion. In each case we notice a well defined transition gap around = 1·25 separating phases II and III which are known from the literature. The libration frequency of the ammonium ion is found to be 1"0; 170 em-1, corresponding to the transition temperature of 242 K, which is in agreement with the Raman spectra study by Couzi et af. (1973).

© CSIRO 1984

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