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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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45Sc(p, p')45Sc and the Attainment of a Thermal Distribution of States in an Astrophysical Environment

MR Anderson, SR Kennett, ME Sevior and DG Sargood

Australian Journal of Physics 34(1) 105 - 112
Published: 1981


Cross sections for inelastic scattering of protons by 45SC have been measured over the energy range Ep = 1?2-2? 5 MeV for protons leading to the second, third, fourth, sixth and eighth excited states of 45SC. Statistical model calculations are' in good agreement with the data. Further statistical model cross section calculations are used in an investigation of the part played by inelastic and superelastic scattering of protons in bringing about a thermal distribution of states in 45SCin a stellar interior under the conditions of explosive silicon burning. This mechanism is found to be effective for temperatures above 4? ?x 109 K

© CSIRO 1981

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