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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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A Catalogue of Small-diameter Radio Sources Close to the Galactic Plane

DH Clark and DF Crawford

Australian Journal of Physics 27(5) 713 - 728
Published: 1974


A catalogue of 'smaIl-diameter' galactic radio sources observed at a frequency of 408 MHz with the Molonglo radiotelescope is presented. The catalogue covers an area of 0·40 sr enclosed in the range [II = 190°-360°-50°, 1 bIll..;; 3°. The sources listed are those which show no significant broadening of the ~ 3' arc aerial beam. Small-diameter features bounded or confused by extended regions of emission are not included. A total of 513 sources are listed above a flux density of O' 6 Jy. While most of these are expected to be extragalactic, the list includes some known pulsars and small-diameter HII regions. The catalogue should form a useful search list for the identification of other such galactic objects.

© CSIRO 1974

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