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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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High Field Polarization Reversals in Liquid Electroded Barium Titanate Crystals

GW Taylor

Australian Journal of Physics 15(4) 549 - 567
Published: 1962


The study of the polarization reversal in liquid electroded crystals of barium titanate has previously been mainly restricted to switching fields less than 1· 2 k V fcm. This paper studies the reversal in the field range 1· 5-6 kV fcm. For these higher fields, it is concluded, from switching current transients and " static" domain patterns, that the reversal is achieved by a small number of parallel. sided domains expanding radially sidewise at a constant velocity. All the domains appear to begin growing when the field is first applied. The cross-sectional shape of the domains varies from circular at fields greater than 3 kVfcm to square at fields less than 3 kVfcm. The number and distribution of the domain centres is determined by the surface conditions of the crystal, where the electrodes are situated, and not by the applied field.

© CSIRO 1962

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