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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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The Radio Brightness of the Quiet Sun at 21 cm Wavelength Near Sunspot Maximum

NR Labrum

Australian Journal of Physics 13(4) 700 - 711
Published: 1960


An investigation has been made of the radio emission from the quiet Sun at 21· 2 em wavelength in 1958 (near sunspot maximum). Two different methods have been used, both involving observations with very high angular resolution, to distinguish between the quiet-Sun component and the radiation from localized active regions. In one method, the Sun was scanned with a narrow pencil-beam; in the other, a fan-shaped aerial beam was used to give one-dimensional strip scans. In both cases it was necessary, when analysing the data, to take into account the residual effects of the very intense radiation from the localized sources. The two independent measurements gave results which agree within the limits of error. The apparent disk temperature was found to be approximately 140 000 oK, or twice the value for the same wavelength at sunspot minimum.

© CSIRO 1960

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