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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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The Eta Carinae Nebula and Centaurus A Near 1400mc/s. I. Observations

JV Hindman and CM Wade

Australian Journal of Physics 12(3) 258 - 269
Published: 1959


Observations of two strong southern radio sources, the Eta Carinae Nebula (NGC 3372) and Centaurus A (13S4A), at a frequency near 1400 Mc/s, are described. The observations were made with a 36 ft transit-mounted paraboloidal aerial and a 21 cm hydrogen-line receiver modified for the reception of continuum radiation. The flux density of the Eta Carinae Nebula near 1400Mc/sis5· 82 X 10-24Wm-2 (c/s)-\ with an estimated uncertainty of less than ±20 per cent. This source appears to be fairly symmetrical, with a strong central condensation.

© CSIRO 1959

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