Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 19 Numbers 3 & 4 2013
PC130188Response of birds to a wildfire in the Great Western Woodlands, Western Australia.
Harry F Recher and William E Davis Jr
pp. 188-203
PC130204The birds of “Koobabbie” in the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia (1987–2011) and the contribution of the farm to conservation of the region’s avifauna
Denis A Saunders and Alison Doley
pp. 204-232
PC130233Wildlife roadkill: illuminating and overcoming a blind spot in public perception
Daniel Lunney
pp. 233-249
PC130250From biodiversity to bioperversity: from good science to poor environmental policy
David Lindenmayer
pp. 250-255
PC130256Enhancing our Heritage: Conservation for 21st Century New Zealanders: Ways forward from the Tahi Group of Concerned Scientists
John Craig, Henrik Moller, Denis Saunders and Morgan Williams
pp. 256-269
PC130284Keeping Australia’s islands free of introduced rodents: the Barrow Island example
Penelope Greenslade, Andrew A Burbidge, A Jasmyn and J Lynch
pp. 284-294
PC130295Provenance Errors and Vagrants: Their Role in Underestimating the Conservation Status of Sea Kraits (Elapidae: Laticaudinae)
Harold Heatwole and Harold Cogger
pp. 295-302
PC130303Are we underestimating the threat to Australia’s migratory land birds?
Hugh A Ford
pp. 303-311
PC130320Users beware: implications of database errors when assessing the individual research records of ecologists and conservation biologists
Michael C Calver, Stephen J Beatty, Kate A Bryant, Christopher R Dickman, Brendan C Ebner and David L Morgan
pp. 320-330
PC130331Native vertebrate herbivores facilitate native plant dominance in old fields while preventing native tree invasion — implications for threatened species
Janeane Ingram and Jamie B Kirkpatrick
pp. 331-342
PC130343The Australian monsoonal tropics: An opportunity to protect unique biodiversity and secure benefits for Aboriginal communities.
C Moritz, E J Ens, S Potter and R A Catullo
pp. 343-355
PC130356From Botany Bay to Breathing Planet: an Australian perspective on plant diversity and global sustainability
Stephen D Hopper
pp. 356-365
PC130379Wild Terrestrial Vertebrates Sold as Food in Open Markets in Laos
David Davenport and Harold Heatwole
pp. 379-393
PC130394Publication models in a changing environment: bibliometric analysis of books and book chapters using publications by Surrey Beatty & Sons
M C Calver, J B Fontaine and T E Linke
pp. 394-408
PC130409Internal macrobioerosion on five species of Acropora following the 1998 bleaching event: Implications for the long-term impact of bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef
Pat Hutchings, Mireille Peyrot-Clausade and Anke Stuken
pp. 409-417
PC130418Predictor sets and biodiversity assessment: the evolution and application of an idea
R L Kitching and L A Ashton
pp. 418-426