Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 19 Number 2 2013
PC130094Why transforming biodiversity conservation conflict is essential and how to begin.
M Nils Peterson, Markus J Peterson, Tarla Rai Peterson and Kirsten Leong
pp. 94-103
PC130104Invertebrate conservation in Australia: problems in policy and practice.
T R New and A L Yen
pp. 104-109
PC130110Adapting to suburbia: bird ecology on an urban-bushland interface in Perth, Western Australia.
R A Davis and J A Wilcox
pp. 110-120
PC130121The breeding biology of the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Gould in south-western Australia. I. Characteristics of nest trees and nest hollows.
R E Johnstone, T Kirby and K Sarti
pp. 121-142
PC130143The breeding biology of the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Gould in south-western Australia. II. Breeding behaviour and diet
R E Johnstone, T Kirby and K Sarti
pp. 143-155
PC130156Modelling the potential distribution of endangered, endemic Hibiscus brackenridgei on Oahu to assess the impacts of climate change and prioritize conservation efforts.
Corey Rovzar, Thomas W Gillespie, Kapua Kawelo, Maggie McCain, Erin C Riordan and Stephanie Pau
pp. 156-168
PC130169Northernmost record of Shepherd’s beaked whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi) – a morphological and genetic description from a stranding from Shark Bay, Western Australia.
Carly Holyoake, David Holley, Peter B S Spencer, Chandra Salgado-Kent, Douglas Coughran and Lars Bejder
pp. 169-174
PC130175The distribution of the Fiji frogs, Platymantis spp.: New records and ramifications.
Tamara Osborne, Alivereti Naikatini, Clare Morrison and Nunia Thomas
pp. 175-182