Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 16 Number 2 2010
PC100076Selection of indicator species for State of the Environment reporting: A case study from New Zealand
Joanne M. Hoare, Colin F. J. ODonnell and Elaine F. Wright
pp. 76-82
PC100086Implications of visitations by Shore Skinks Oligosoma smithi to bait stations containing brodifacoum in a dune system in New Zealand
Chris J. Wedding, Weihong Ji and Dianne H. Brunton
pp. 86-91
PC100092Urban edge effects in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales: implications for design of buffers to protect significant habitats
Peter Smith and Judy Smith
pp. 92-100
PC100123Short term effects of wild fire on invertebrates in coastal heathland in southeastern Australia
Penelope Greenslade and Derek Smith
pp. 123-132
PC100133Status of Dugong Dugong dugon and Australian Snubfin Dolphin Orcaella heinsohni, in the Solomon Islands
Deborah K. Bass
pp. 133-143
PC100144Effects of Ungulate Management on Vegetation at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai?i Island
Steven C. Hess, John J. Jeffrey, Linda W. Pratt and Donna L. Ball
pp. 144-150