Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 13 Number 4 2007
PC070227Is there value in reviewing distribution models? A case study using critical weight range mammals in southeastern Australia
Trent D. Penman and Christopher P. Slade
pp. 227-234
PC070235Early and late colonizers in mine site rehabilitated waste dumps in the Goldfields of Western Australia
Graham G. Thomson and Scott A. Thompson
pp. 235-243
PC070244Diet of Feral Cats in Hawai?i Volcanoes National Park
Steven C. Hess, Heidi Hansen, Daniel Nelson, Roberta Swift and Paul C. Banko
pp. 244-249
PC070250Herpetofauna, community education and logging on Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands: implications for conservation
Clare Morrison, Patrick Pikacha, Tikai Pitakia and David Boseto
pp. 250-258
PC070259The application of intra-species fostering techniques to the southern hairy-nosed wombat, Lasiorhinus latifrons
G. R. Finlayson, D. A. Taggart, G. A. Shimmin, C. R. White, V. Steele, M. C . J. Paris and P. D. Temple-Smith
pp. 259-263
PC070264Improving the landscape scale management of Buffel Grass Cenchrus ciliaris using aerial survey, predictive modelling, and a Geographic Information System
Helen Puckey, Chris Brock and Cameron Yates
pp. 264-273
PC070274New abundance estimates suggest Doubtful Sound bottlenose dolphins are declining
Rohan J. C. Currey, Stephen M. Dawson and Elisabeth Slooten
pp. 274-282
PC070283Population responses of small and medium sized mammals to fox control at Jervis Bay, southeastern Australia
Nick Dexter, Paul Meek, Steve Moore, Matt Hudson and Holly Richardson
pp. 283-292
PC070293Incorporating marine turtle habitats into the marine protected area design for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Queensland, Australia
Kirstin Dobbs, Leanne Fernandes, Suzanne Slegers, Belinda Jago, Leanne Thompson, James Hall, Jon Day, Darren Cameron, John Tanzer, Fiona MacDonald and Col Limpus
pp. 293-302