Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 12 Number 3 2006
PC060168The effect of recent chaining on birds in the eastern wheatbelt of Western Australia
Graham R. Fulton and Jonathan D. Majer
pp. 168-174
PC060175Causes of mortality to the endangered Southern Cassowary Casuarius casuarius johnsonii in Queensland, Australia
Christopher P. Kofron and Angela Chapman
pp. 175-179
PC060180Habitat use as a predictor of nest raiding by individual hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus in New Zealand
Christopher Jones and Grant Norbury
pp. 180-188
PC060189Documenting floral visitors to rare Hawaiian plants using automated video recordings
Mark C. Gardener and Curtis C. Daehler
pp. 189-194
PC060195Factors affecting patch occupancy by the White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis in an agricultural landscape in north-west Victoria, Australia
James Q. Radford and Andrew F. Bennett
pp. 195-206
PC060207Long-term natural and human perturbations and current status of Clipperton Atoll, a remote island of the Eastern Pacific
Christian H. Jost and Serge Andréfouët
pp. 207-217
PC060218Cross-border trade in Saratoga fingerlings from the Bensbach River, south-west Papua New Guinea
Garrick Hitchcock
pp. 218-228
PC060229Hematozoa of forest birds in American Samoa - evidence for a diverse, indigenous parasite fauna from the South Pacific
Carter T. Atkinson, Ruth C. Utzurrum, Joshua O. Seamon, Amy F. Savage and Dennis A. Lapointe
pp. 229-237
PC060238Shore-based recreational angling in the Rottnest Island Reserve, Western Australia: Spatial and temporal distribution of catch and fishing effort
C. B. Smallwood, L. E. Beckley and N. R. Sumner
pp. 238-251