Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 7 Number 2 2001
PC010079Community survey of the distribution of Lumholtz's Tree-kangaroo on the Atherton Tablelands, north-east Queensland
J. Kanowski, L. Felderhof, G. Newell, T. Parker, C. Schmidt, B. Stirn, R. Wilson and J. W. Winter
pp. 79-86
PC010087Testing for food limitation in reintroduced Hihi populations: contrasting results for two islands
Doug P. Armstrong and John G. Ewen
pp. 87-92
PC010101Biodiversity of canopy arthropods in Jarrah forest of south-west Western Australia: review of ecological theory and conservation management
Ian Abbott and Allan Wills
pp. 101-117
PC010118Prostanthera junonis Conn (LAMIACEAE); is recovery possible?
D. A. Tierney and C. L. Gross
pp. 118-123
PC010124Ecological attributes and conservation of dasyurid marsupials in New South Wales, Australia
Christopher R. Dickman, Daniel Lunney and Alison Matthews
pp. 124-133
PC010134Abundance and management of Mariana Fruit Bats and feral ungulates on Anatahan, Mariana Islands
David J. Worthington, Ann P. Marshall, Gary J. Wiles and Curt C. Kessler
pp. 134-142
PC010143Field evaluation of a visual barrier to discourage gull nesting
P. A. Pochop, J. L. Cummings and R. M. Engeman
pp. 143-145