Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 6 Number 3 2000
PC000183The effects of non-consumptive wildlife tourism on free-ranging wildlife: a review
Ronda J. Green and Karen Higginbottom
pp. 183-197
PC000198Ground vertebrate fauna of Perth's vegetation remnants: impact of 170 years of urbanization
R. A. How and J. Dell
pp. 198-217
PC000217Hollow formation in eucalypts from temperate forests in southeastern Australia
P Gibbons, D. B. Lindenmayer, S. C. Barry and M. T. Tanton
pp. 218-228
PC000229Home range and diet of feral cats in Hawaii forests
Ty D. Smucker, Gerald D. Lindsey and Stephen M. Mosher
pp. 229-237
PC000238The effective management of threatened flora: lessons from the case of Zieria 'prostrata' ms
Patricia M. Hogbin and Rod Peakall
pp. 238-244
PC000245Is the removal of domestic stock sufficient to restore semi-arid conservation areas?
Manda J. Page and R. J. S. Beeton
pp. 245-253
PC000254Clearing and grazing impacts on vegetation patch structures and fauna counts in eucalypt woodland, Central Queensland
John A. Ludwig, Robert W. Eager, Adam C. Liedloff, Juliana C. McCosker, David Hannah, Nicole Y. Thurgate, John C. Z. Woinarski and Carla P. Catterall
pp. 254-272
PC000274Nature's Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems
Robyn Loomes and Kelli O'Neill
pp. 274-274
PC000275Nature's Place: Human Population and the Future of Biological Diversity
Adam Gartner
pp. 275-275
PC00276aFish for Thought: Fisheries, International Trade and Sustainable Development
Luisa Rawlinson
pp. 276-276