Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 5 Number 3 1999
PC990161The Essence of Science: The Social Responsibility of Communicating
Harry Recher and Paul R. Ehrlich
pp. 161-162
PC990163Recovery of shrubland communities on abandoned farmland in southwestern Australia: soils, plants, birds and arthropods
G. W. Arnold, M. Abensperg-Traun, R. J. Hobbs, D. E. Steven, L. Atkins, J. J. Viveen and D. M. Gutter
pp. 163-178
PC990179Reproductive biology, ecology and conservation of Carmichaelia williamsii (Fabaceae), a vulnerable legume from New Zealand
Peter B. Heenan and Peter J. De Lange
pp. 179-190
PC990191Conservation status of forests and vertebrate communities in the Vava`u Island Group, Tonga
David W. Steadman, Janet Franklin, Donald R. Drake, Holly B. Freifeld, Leslie A. Bolick, Darren S. Smith and Timothy J. Motley
pp. 191-207
PC990208Preliminary investigation of roosting habitat preferences of the large forest bat Vespadelus darlingtoni (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)
A. Herr and N. I. Klomp
pp. 208-213
PC990224Habitat of the Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia and the value of the Bundarra-Barraba region for the conservation of avifauna
Damon L. Oliver, Andrew J. Ley, Hugh A. Ford and Beth Williams
pp. 224-239
PC990240Grassland Flora: a field guide for the Southern Tablelands (NSW and ACT)
Louise Gilfedder
pp. 240-240