Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 4 Number 4 1998
PC980282The Thevenard Island mouse: historic and conservation implications from mitochondrial DNA sequence-variation
D. Moro, N. J. H. Campbell, M. S. Elphinstone and P. R. Baverstock
pp. 282-288
PC980289Systematic affinities of island and mainland populations of the Dunnart Sminthopsis griseoventer in Western Australia: data from allozymes and mitochondrial DNA
A. Labrinidis, S. J. B. Cooper, M. Adams and N. Baczocha
pp. 289-295
PC980326Effects of variable-intensity logging on mammals, reptiles and amphibians at Waratah Creek, southeastern New South Wales
Rodney P. Kavanagh and Garry A. Webb
pp. 326-347
PC980348Trapping strategies for deterring the spread of Brown Tree Snakes from Guam
Richard M. Engeman and Michael A. Linnell
pp. 348-353
PC980354An ecological history of Koala habitat in Port Stephens Shire and the Lower Hunter on the Central Coast of New South Wales, 1801-1998
Tiffany Knott, Daniel Lunney, Dionne Coburn and John Callaghan
pp. 354-368