Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 3 Number 4 1997
PC980319The 10 Lords of the Universe respond to Lim
Paul Adam, Tony Auld, Doug Benson, Peter Catling, Chris Dickman, Mike Fleming, Robin Gunning, Pat Hutchings, David Kemp and Jim Shields
pp. 319-321
PC980322Conservation of the endangered Gould's Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera
David Priddel and Nicholas Carlile
pp. 322-329
PC980330Status and management of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1987-1996
Thane K. Pratt, Paul C. Banko, Steven G. Fancy, Gerald D. Lindsey and James D. Jacobi
pp. 330-340
PC980366The protection of forested coastal wetlands in Southern Sumatra: a regional strategy for integrating conservation and development
Jim Davie and Effendy Sumardja
pp. 366-378
PC980379Population numbers, response to weather, movements and management of the threatened New Zealand skinks Oligosoma grande and O. otagense in tussock grassland
Emma J. Coddington and Alison Cree
pp. 379-391
PC980397Past and Present Distribution of the Eastern Barred Bandicoot (Perameles gunnii) in the Midlands, Tasmania
S. A. Mallick, M. Haseler, G. J. Hocking and M. M. Driessen
pp. 397-402