Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 1 Number 4 1994
PC940278Nature Conservation: the role of networks - conference report
D. A. Saunders and J. L. Craig
pp. 278-278
PC940279Biodiversity - political responsibilities and agendas for research and conservation
R. L. Kitching
pp. 279-283
PC940283Toward an ecological framework for sustainability: considerations for ecosystem management
Stephen R. Dovers and Tony W. Norton
pp. 283-293
PC940293Towards the sustainable management of southern temperate forest ecosystems: lessons from Australia and New Zealand
Tony W. Norton and Neil D. Mitchell
pp. 293-300
PC940301The need for a more sophisticated approach toward wildlife corridor design in the multiple-use forests of southeastern Australia: the case for mammals
Andrew W. Claridge and David B. Lindenmayer
pp. 301-307
PC940308Climate change and conservation policies in Australia: coping with change that is far away and not yet certain
Lesley Hughes and Mark Westoby
pp. 308-318
PC940319Recent contraction of wet sclerophyll forest in the wet tropics of Queensland due to invasion by rainforest
G. N. Harrington and K. D. Sanderson
pp. 319-327
PC940328The utility to birds and mammals of remnant riparian vegetation and associated windbreaks in the tropical Queensland uplands
Francis Crome, Jodi Isaacs and Les Moore
pp. 328-343
PC940344A model for the effects of fire and fragmentation on the population viability of the Splendid Fairy-wren
L. C. Brooker and M. G. Brooker
pp. 344-358
PC940367A genetic study of the Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby Petrogale penicillata in East Gippsland and relevance for management of the species in Victoria
R. L. Close, M. D. B. Eldridge, J. N. Bell and J. Reside
pp. 367-371