Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 1 Number 3 1994
PC940163Conservation: a starfish without a central disk?
John L. Craig and Anne M. Stewart
pp. 163-169
PC940170Landscape ecology and conservation: moving from description to application
Richard J. Hobbs
pp. 170-176
PC940177Variation in mosaic diversity in the forests of coastal northern New South Wales
A. O. Nicholls
pp. 177-182
PC940183Landscape heterogeneity indices: problems of scale and applicability, with particular reference to animal habitat description
P. G. Cale and R. J. Hobbs
pp. 183-193
PC940201Small-scale resource heterogeneity in semi-arid landscapes
David J. Tongway and John A. Ludwig
pp. 201-208
PC940209A flow-filter model for simulating the conservation of limited resources in spatially heterogeneous, semi-arid landscapes
John A. Ludwig, David J. Tongway and Stephen G. Marsden
pp. 209-213
PC940214Landscape-scale disturbances and regeneration in semi-arid woodlands of southwestern Australia
Colin J. Yates, Richard J. Hobbs and Richard W. Bell
pp. 214-221
PC940222Tree hollows as a resource for wildlife in remnant woodlands: spatial and temporal patterns across the northern plains of Victoria, Australia
A. F. Bennett, L. F. Lumsden and A. O. Nicholls
pp. 222-235
PC940245Conservation of woodland birds in a fragmented rural landscape
G. W. Barrett, H. A. Ford and H. F. Recher
pp. 245-256
PC940257Developing a strategy for rehabilitating riparian vegetation of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, Sydney, Australia
Jocelyn Howell, Doug Benson and Lyn McDougall
pp. 257-271