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New South Wales Public Health Bulletin Supplementary Series New South Wales Public Health Bulletin Supplementary Series Society

6. NSW hospitals

NSW Public Health Bulletin 21(1) 35-70
Published: 24 June 2010

Onset and augmentation of labour

Table 33 shows onset or augmentation of labour for area health services, and Table 34 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 33.  Onset and augmentation of labour by health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 34.  Onset and augmentations of labour by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Type of birth

Table 35 shows type of birth for area health services, and Table 36 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 35.  Type of birth by health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 36.  Type of birth by hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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Pain relief

Table 37 shows type of pain relief provided to women during labour or delivery for area health services, and Table 38 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 37.  Pain relief by health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 38.  Pain relief by hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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In addition to the types of pain relief shown in the tables, a further 23 655 (25%) women were reported to have received local anaesthetic to the perineum, and 765 (0.8%) received a pudendal block.

Perineal status

Table 39 shows the perineal status in vaginal births for area health services, and Table 40 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 39.  Perineal status among vaginal births by health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 40.  Perineal status among vaginal births by hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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There were 1477 cases of third-degree tear and 144 cases of fourth-degree tear reported among women who gave birth vaginally in 2007, including tears associated with an episiotomy.

Birth weight

Table 41 shows the birth weight of babies for area health services, and Table 42 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 41.  Births by birth weight and health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 42.  Births by birth weight, hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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Gestational age

Table 43 shows the gestational age of babies for area health services, and Table 44 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 43.  Births by gestational age and health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 44.  Births by gestational age, hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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Neonatal resuscitation

Table 45 shows the type of neonatal resuscitation for area health services, and Table 46 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 45.  Births by type of resuscitation and health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 46.  Births by type of resuscitation, hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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Admission to special care or neonatal intensive care

Tables 47 shows admissions of liveborn babies to special care or neonatal intensive care for area health services, and Table 48 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 47.  Live births by admission to special care or neonatal intensive care by health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 48.  Live births by admission to special care of neonatal intensive care, hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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Infant feeding

Table 49 shows infant feeding at discharge from the hospital of birth for area health services, and Table 50 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 49.  Live births by type of infant feeding and health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 50.  Live births by type of infant feeding, hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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Baby discharge status

Table 51 shows the discharge status of babies for area health services, and Table 52 for individual hospitals by maternity service level where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 51.  Baby discharge status by health area of hospital, NSW, 2007
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Table 52.  Baby discharge status by hospital and maternity service level, NSW, 2007#
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Postnatal length of stay

Table 53 shows the mother’s postnatal length of stay in the hospital of birth for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007.

Table 53.  Average maternal postnatal length of stay in hospital of birth, NSW, 2002–2006#
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Clinical indicators

Selected clinical indicators for obstetrics are reported in this section. The definitions of the clinical indicators follow those described in Version 6 of the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Clinical Indicator User’s Manual.1

Outcome of selected primipara, Indicator 1.1

Definition: the number of selected primipara who have a spontaneous vaginal birth as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara who give birth.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 54 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 54.  1.1 Selected primipara who have a spontaneous vaginal birth by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Outcome of selected primipara, Indicator 1.2

Definition: the number of selected primipara who undergo induction of labour as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara who give birth.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 55 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 55.  1.2 Selected primipara who undergo induction of labour by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Outcome of selected primipara, Indicator 1.3

Definition: the number of selected primipara who undergo an instrumental vaginal birth as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara who give birth.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 56 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 56.  1.3 Selected primipara who undergo an instrumental vaginal birth by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Outcome of selected primipara, Indicator 1.4

Definition: the number of selected primipara undergoing caesarean section birth as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara who give birth.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 57 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 57.  1.4 Selected primipara undergoing caesarean section by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Vaginal birth following caesarean section, Indicator 2.1

Definition: total number of women delivering vaginally following a previous primary caesarean section as a percentage of the total number of women delivering who have had a previous primary caesarean section and no intervening pregnancies greater than 20 weeks gestation.

Table 58 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 58.  2.1 Vaginal delivery after previous primary caesarean section by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Major perineal tears and surgical repair of the perineum, Indicator 3.1

Definition: total number of selected primipara with an intact perineum as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara delivering vaginally.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 59 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 59.  3.1 Selected primipara delivering vaginally with an intact perineum by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Major perineal tears and surgical repair of the perineum, Indicator 3.2

Definition: total number of selected primipara undergoing episiotomy and no perineal tear while giving birth vaginally as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara delivering vaginally.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 60 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 60.  3.2 Selected primipara undergoing episiotomy and no perineal tear by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Major perineal tears and surgical repair of the perineum, Indicator 3.3

Definition: total number of selected primipara sustaining a perineal tear and no episiotomy as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara delivering vaginally.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 61 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 61.  3.3 Selected primipara sustaining a perineal tear and no episiotomy by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Major perineal tears and surgical repair of the perineum, Indicator 3.4

Definition: total number of selected primipara undergoing episiotomy and sustaining a perineal tear while giving birth vaginally as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara delivering vaginally.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 62 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 62.  3.4 Selected primipara undergoing episiotomy and sustaining a perineal tear by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Major perineal tears and surgical repair of the perineum, Indicator 3.5

Definition: total number of selected primipara undergoing surgical repair of the perineum for third-degree tear as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara delivering vaginally.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 63 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 63.  3.5 Selected primipara undergoing surgical repair of the perineum for third degree tear by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Major perineal tears and surgical repair of the perineum, Indicator 3.6

Definition: total number of selected primipara undergoing surgical repair of the perineum for fourth-degree tear as a percentage of the total number of selected primipara delivering vaginally.

A selected primipara is defined as a woman who is 20–34 years of age at the time of giving birth; giving birth for the first time at greater than 20 weeks gestation; singleton pregnancy; cephalic presentation; and at 370 to 410 weeks gestation.

Table 64 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 mothers gave birth in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 64.  3.6 Selected primipara undergoing surgical repair of the perineum for fourth-degree tear by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Intrauterine growth restriction, Indicator 8.1

Definition: total number of deliveries with birth weight less than 2750 g at 400 weeks gestation or beyond as a percentage of the total number of deliveries at 400 weeks gestation or beyond.

Table 65 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 babies were born in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 65.  8.1 Intrauterine growth restriction at 40 weeks gestation or more by hospital, NSW, 2007#
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Apgar score, Indicator 9.1

Definition: total number of term babies born with an Apgar score of less than 7 at 5 min post delivery as a percentage of the total number of term babies born.

Table 66 shows aggregate information for hospitals where at least 200 babies were born in 2007, totals for hospitals within each health area, and the NSW total.

Table 66.  9.1 Apgar score of 7 or less in term babies by hospital#, NSW, 2007#
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[1] Australian Council on Healthcare Standards. Obstetrics Indicators – Clinical Indicator Users’ Manual, Version 6. Sydney: ACHS, 2008.