New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 22 Numbers 9 & 10 2011
Immunisation in NSW
NB11040 NSW immunisation performance: continuing progress but no room for complacency
Kristine K. Macartney and David N. Durrheim
pp. 169-170
NB11028NSW Annual Vaccine-Preventable Disease Report, 2010
Paula J. Spokes and Robin E. Gilmour
pp. 171-178
NB11021NSW Annual Immunisation Coverage Report, 2010
Brynley Hull, Aditi Dey, Sue Campbell-Lloyd, Robert I. Menzies and Peter B. McIntyre
pp. 179-195
NB11024NSW Annual Report Describing Adverse Events Following Immunisation, 2010
Deepika Mahajan, Sue Campbell-Lloyd, Jane Cook and Robert I. Menzies
pp. 196-208
NB11038New Senior Hospitalist Initiative: a new medical career pathway for NSW Health
Cathie Hull and Catherine Ellis
pp. 208-208
NB10080Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Trachoma
Louise Maher, Hugh R. Taylor and Joanna Barton
pp. 209-209
NB11042Communicable Diseases Report, NSW, July and August 2011
Communicable Diseases Branch
pp. 210-215