New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 21 Numbers 7 & 8 2010
Year in Review
NB10038Year in review: communicable disease surveillance, NSW, 2009
Communicable Diseases Branch
pp. 157-166
NB10031Review of the 2008–2009 pertussis epidemic in NSW: notifications and hospitalisations
Paula J. Spokes, Helen E. Quinn and Jeremy M. McAnulty
pp. 167-173
NB10005EpiReview: Tuberculosis in NSW, 2008
April R. Roberts-Witteveen, AmandaJ. Christensen and Jeremy M. McAnulty
pp. 174-182
NB09020Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Waterborne diseases among Aboriginal people
Patricia Morton, Gillian Barlow and Ross Bailie
pp. 183-184
NB09043Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Dental caries in children
Aaron W. Cashmore, Claire Phelan and Anthony S. Blinkhorn
pp. 184-185
NB10054Communicable Diseases Report, NSW, May and June 2010
Communicable Diseases Branch
pp. 186-191