New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 19 Numbers 9 & 10 2008
NB07083Lessons from a respiratory illness outbreak in an aged-care facility
John Turahui, Cate Wallace, Paul Corben and Robin Osborne
pp. 153-156
NB07054Evidence of pertussis clusters in three aged-care facilities in the former Macquarie Area Health Service, NSW
Ala'a Al-Murieb, Anthony M. Brown, Alexandra Raulli, Carol George, Carole Gander, Patsy Forrester and Sharwyn Gibson
pp. 157-160
NB07022Hospital and non-hospital costs for fall-related injury in community-dwelling older people
Anne C. Tiedemann, Susan M. Murray, Bridget Munro and Stephen R. Lord
pp. 161-165
NB07049Incidence of falls and fall-related outcomes among people in aged-care facilities in the Lower Hunter region, NSW
Richard E. Gibson, Mandy Harden, Julie Byles and John Ward
pp. 166-169
NB97043Environmental health risk assessment of nickel contamination of drinking water in a country town in NSW
Noore Alam, Stephen J. Corbett and Helen C. Ptolemy
pp. 170-173
NB07099Managing environmental lead in Broken Hill: a public health success
Frances Boreland, Margaret S. Lesjak and David M. Lyle
pp. 174-179
NB08040 Addressing decreasing blood lead screening rates in young children in Broken Hill, NSW
Katina Kardamanidis, David M. Lyle and Frances Boreland
pp. 180-182
NB07114Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Chronic and infectious diseases in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Patricia M. Morton, Jenny M. Hunt and Richard J. Weston
pp. 183-184