New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 17 Numbers 9 & 10 2006
Investing in Capacity to Meet the Challenge of an Influenza Pandemic
Mark J Ferson and David N Durrheim
pp. 129-130
NB06036The effective use of the media during an infectious disease emergency
Wayne Geddes
pp. 141-141
NB06037Challenges for the laboratory before and during an influenza pandemic
Dominic E Dwyer, Ken A McPhie, V Mala Ratnamohan and Catherine NM Pitman
pp. 142-145
NB06038Planning for pandemic influenza surveillance in NSW
David J Muscatello, Michelle A Cretikos, Mark J Bartlett, Tim Churches, Ian W Carter, Keith Eastwood, Leon G Heron and Kenneth A McPhie
pp. 146-149
NB06040Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Pandemic influenza preparedness
Jan Fizzell, Paul K Armstrong and James M Branley
pp. 151-151