New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 18 Numbers 1 & 2 2007
Public Health Workforce
NB07018Future directions for the Bulletin
D. Lynne Madden, Richard Hecker, Carlie-Jane Naylor and Megan E. Black
pp. 1-2
NB07008Using problem-based learning in public health service based training
Gaynor S. Heading, D. Lynne Madden, David M. Lyle and Jeffrey D. Fuller
pp. 8-13
NB07009Use of communication technology among public health professionals in New South Wales, Australia
Carlie-Jane Naylor, Deborah J. Oong and D. Lynne Madden
pp. 13-16
NB07016Influencing population health performance: introduction of standards for area health services in New South Wales
Jeannine Liddle, David Lyle, Thérèse Jones, Andrew Milat, Emma Webster and Margaret Lesjak
pp. 17-21
NB07010Health surveillance among a team of Australian health workers assisting tsunami victims in Aceh, Indonesia
Michael Flynn and Jeremy M. McAnulty
pp. 22-24
NB07015Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Refugee health
Katina Kardamanidis, Sanjyot Vagholkar and Mitchell M. Smith
pp. 26-27
NBv18n2Volume 18 Number 1 & 2
D. Lynne Madden, Richard Hecker, Carlie-Jane Naylor and Megan E. Black
pp. 1-36