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New South Wales Public Health Bulletin New South Wales Public Health Bulletin Society
Supporting public health practice in New South Wales

EpiReview: Measles in NSW, 1991–2000

Julia Brotherton

New South Wales Public Health Bulletin 12(7) 200 - 204
Published: 2001


Measles is an acute and highly-infectious viral disease. It is of public health importance because measles can cause serious illness and death. Each year, measles causes the death of almost a million children worldwide. Vaccination against measles provides a high degree of protection (95 per cent protection after a single dose, and 99 per cent after two doses). Available epidemiological evidence suggests that, in many parts of Australia, endemic measles circulation (that is, the ability of the virus to be sustained in the community) has been eliminated due to the achievement of high childhood vaccination rates.

© NSW Department of Health 2001

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