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Journal of BirdLife Australia

Nidification of the Crested Bird of Paradise Cnemophilus macgregorii and a Review of Its Biology and Systematics

CB Frith and DW Frith

Emu 93(1) 23 - 33
Published: 1993


Two active and three disused nests of the Crested Bird of Paradise Cnemophilus macgregorii were found in mixed montane beech forest in Papua New Guinea, and their situations and measurements are described. Fragments indicate that egg colour is pinkish-buff irregularly blotched with darker colours, similar to other paradisaeidine eggs. A nest and egg long ascribed to this species is considered wrongly identified. Hatchlings are typical of birds of paradise and unlike those of bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchidae). Nestling care is by a single female-plumaged, presumed female, parent that feeds only regurgitated fruits. One nestling left the nest at 30+ days. Available data indicate a single egg clutch, a nesting season of September-February inclusive, and that C. macgregorii is a polygynously breeding bird of paradise.

© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1993

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