Seasonal Changes in Diet of Pied Currawongs Strepera graculina at Wollongong, New South Wales
K.A. Wood
98(3) 157 - 170
Published: 1998
Data on the diet of Pied Currawongs Strepera graculina were acquired from incidental records from 1984–96 and 165 hours of observation at four nests. In the non-breeding season, fruit from native and introduced trees was the major component of diet. In the breeding season, breeding currawongs switched to a diet consisting mostly of insects (91% by weight) before eggs were hatched and mostly of nestling and juvenile birds (55% by weight) when feeding their own nestlings. Estimated food consumption rates were 0.56 g per currawong-hour (parents only) for insect prey in the incubation period and 0.67 g per currawong-hour (parents and nestlings) for passerine prey in the nestling period. During a breeding episode, a breeding pair of currawongs may capture up to 2000 g of young passerines. The method of dismembering prey is described.
© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1998