Revision of the Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis (Rafinesque) in Australia, with description of a new subspecies
79(2) 49 - 53
Published: 1979
The plumages, morphological characteristics and occurrence of the populations of Cisticola juncidis in Australia are reviewed. Three subspecies are recognized and redescribed; one, laveryi, is described as new, differing from norrnani in its heavier dorsal streaking in eclipse plumage and from other subspecies in the presence of well-marked cinnamon mirrors in the tails of females in nuptial plumage. Morphological differences between C. juncidis and C. exilis in Australia are summarized; shape of wing is critical in separating the two species in eclipse plumage.
© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1979