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Emu Emu Society
Journal of BirdLife Australia

Survey of the Avifauna of Myall Lakes, NSW: Report of the 1972 RAOU Field-outing

HF Recher

Emu 75(4) 213 - 225
Published: 1975


The 1972 Field-outing of the RAOU was held at Myall Lakes, NSW. The district was selected because of its scientific interest and importance to conservation. During the Outing, a survey of the avifauna was conducted. Fifty point-censuses were available for analysis by similarity, which identified the major avian habitats of the area. The results of the analysis are discussed, major habitats and major features of the avifauna described and recommendations for conservation given. A checklist of the birds is included in an appendix.

© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1975

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