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Emu Emu Society
Journal of BirdLife Australia

Communal nesting by the White-winged Triller.

H.L. Bell

Emu 65(2) 133 - 138
Published: 1965


The habit of communal nesting by the White-winged Triller, Lalage sueurii, does not appear to have been the subject of comment until 1952, by S. R. White. However, past Emu references, and field notes of various observers, show that this communal nesting had been previously recorded, without occasioning special notice at the time. Known incidents of communal nesting by the species are summarized, and some details are offered of a similar incident at Macleod, Victoria, in 1961. It seems likely that the incidence of communal nesting by the White-winged Triller may be quite high and that much worthwhile observation awaits those in a position to make a long-term study of this species.

© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1965

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